In the center is some script surrounded by a border consisting of leaves, fruits, and design elements. To the right is a monogram and denomination in numerals. To the left is the coat of arms and some more script bordered by design elements. Below is the date: 1910. To the far left is a white space
государственный кредитный билетъ
сто рублей
государственный банкъ размѣниваетъ кредитные билеты на золотую монету безъ ограниченія суммы (1Р. = 1/15 имперіала, содержитъ 17.424 долей чистаго золота)
1. размѣнъ государственныхъ
кредитныхъ билетовъ на золотую монету обезпечивается всѣмъ достояніемъ государства
2. государственные кредитные билеты имѣют хожденіе во всей имперіи наравнѣ съ золотою монетою
3. за поддѣлку кредитныхъ билетовъ виновные подвергаются лишенію всѣхъ правъ состоянія и ссылкѣ въ каторжную работу
Управляющій Кассиръ
state credit ‘ticket’
One hundred rubles
a state bank pays a credit for gold coins without any restrictions (1R. = 1/15 of the material. contains 17.424 shares of pure gold)
1. State gold credit is provided
2. State gold credit valid throughout the empire
3. The perpetrators (Counterfeiters) are subject to the exclusion of all rights and are subject to one-week hard labor
At left is a portrait of a man with a cloth around his waist holding a sword with a wreath at its handle. In the center is a portrait of a queen surrounded by laurel and design elements. At right are another design element and denomination. At the far right is a white space
(Bottom Right)
100 рублей
(Bottom Right)
100 roubles
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